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 ultoa()                 Convert Unsigned Long to String

 #include   <stdlib.h>                   Required for declarations only

 char       *ultoa(value,string,radix);
 unsigned long  value;                   Number to be converted
 char           *string;                 String result
 int            radix;                   Base of 'value'

    ultoa() converts an unsigned long integer, 'value', to a
    null-terminated string stored at 'string'.  The base used to convert
    'value' is specified by 'radix', which must be in the range 2 through
    36, inclusive.  No overflow checking is performed.

       Returns:     A pointer to 'string'.  There is no error return.

         Notes:     ultoa() returns up to 33 bytes including the
                    terminating NULL character.  The space allocated must
                    be large enough to hold the returned string.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements convert an unsigned long integer value into
    a string, using base 16, and print the result.

           #include <stdlib.h>

           unsigned long val = 615584;
           int radix = 16;
           char buffer[40];
           char *p;

               p = ultoa(val,buffer,radix);
               printf("the hexadecimal representation of %ld is %s\n",val,p);

See Also: itoa() ltoa()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson